Whether you want to improve the aesthetics of your property or turn your garden into an oasis, build a backyard pond. Regular walks through a garden with a pond can help manage hypertension, and reduce stress and anxiety. A well-designed and properly installed pond provides food and shelter for wildlife, supporting the local ecosystem.

Why Add Plants to Your Pond?

Regardless of the type of pond you have, consider adding aquatic plants to it. The right plants can beautify your pond and add charm to it, enhancing its visual appeal.

Here are some other compelling reasons to add plants to your pond.


Fish and other aquatic animals in ponds need dissolved oxygen to survive. The aquatic plants in a pond can help maintain the ideal dissolved oxygen level in it. Through photosynthesis, they release oxygen, helping maintain a healthy pond ecosystem.

Water Filtration

The plants in a pond help filter the water by absorbing excess nutrients, pollutants, and organic matter. The process, known as phytoremediation, controls algae growth and prevents algae blooms, improving water quality and clarity.

Provide Shade and Help Maintain Water Temperature

Aquatic plants provide shade for your pond, preventing overheating in summer. Your plants also prevent sunlight from penetrating your pond and can help control algae growth and maintain water clarity.

Provide Shelter for Wildlife

Aquatic plants provide hiding places (that fish and other aquatic animals in ponds can use to hide when predators attack), breeding sites, and food sources for aquatic animals, fostering biodiversity and helping maintain a healthy pond ecosystem.

Erosion Control

The roots of aquatic plants in a pond help stabilize its banks and prevent soil erosion. They anchor the soil, reducing the risk of sediment runoff and maintaining the integrity of the shoreline.


Incorporating native aquatic plants into your pond is a great way to naturalize it. Native plants support local ecosystems and promote biodiversity. They are well-adapted to the local climate and require minimal maintenance once established.

Attract Wildlife

Pond plants attract pollinators including birds, butterflies, and dragonflies, and beneficial insects to your garden. These creatures help maintain a healthy pond ecosystem.A pond teeming with wildlife provides recreational and educational opportunities.

Algae Control

Some types of aquatic plants, such as submerged and floating plants, compete with algae for nutrients, sunlight, and space, helping control their growth naturally. These plants are an eco-friendly alternative to chemical algaecides.

By adding different types of aquatic plants to your garden pond, you can create a balanced and thriving ecosystem. The right pond plants can help beautify your landscape and create a tranquil and relaxing outdoor area.

Different Types of Plants to Add to Your Pond

When choosing plants for a garden pond, consider a mix of submerged, floating, and marginal plants to create a balanced ecosystem and add visual interest. When in doubt, consult garden pond builders near Randolph. An experienced and knowledgeable garden pond builder can help you choose the right pond plants that not only beautify your backyard, but also turn your pond into a haven for wildlife.

Here are some types to consider.

Submerged Plants

Also known as aquatic plants or hydrophytes, submerged plants grow entirely or partially underwater. They oxygenate pond water and provide hiding places for fish and other aquatic life. Typical examples include Anacharis, Hornwort, and Vallisneria.

Floating Plants

Drift on the surface of water bodies without being rooted in the substrate. Their air-filled tissues allow them to remain buoyant. The roots of a floating plant dangle beneath it, extracting nutrients and anchoring it loosely in place. Floating plants create shade for your pond, and help control algae growth. They also provide hiding places for aquatic animals. Some popular choices include Water lilies (both hardy and tropical varieties), Duckweed, and Water Hyacinth.

Marginal Plants

Are planted along the edges of ponds. They thrive in shallow water, often with their roots submerged and their foliage above the water surface. Marginal plants help stabilize soil, provide shelter for aquatic animals, and filter water. Examples include Pickerelweed, Iris, Canna, and Dwarf Papyrus.

Emergent Plants

Unlike submerged plants that grow entirely underwater or floating plants that float on the water surface, emergent plants have their roots anchored in the soil or sediment underwater, but their stems, leaves, and flowers extend above the water surface. They thrive both in shallow and deeper water. Typical examples include Rushes, Cattails, and Marsh Marigold.

Bog Plants

Bog plants, also known as bog-loving plants or bog-dwellers naturally thrive in bog habitats-wetland ecosystems characterized by acidic, waterlogged, and nutrient-poor conditions. Bog plants have adapted to these challenging environments and often possess specialized features to survive and flourish. They can tolerate occasional flooding. Some types of bog plants include Cardinal Flower, Astilbe, and Joe-Pye Weed.


These plants help maintain water clarity and quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Some examples of oxygenators include Elodea and Anacharis, Hornwort, Cabomba, Waterweed, and Water milfoil.

Choosing the Best Plants for Your Pond

When selecting plants for your pond, consider different factors including sunlight exposure, water depth, and soil type. Some aquatic plants prefer full sun, whereas others thrive in shade. Similarly, certain plants grow in shallow water, while others grow in deeper areas of ponds.

Follow these tips to select the best plants for your pond.

Aim to Strike a Balance

Opt for a mix of submerged, floating, and marginal plants. Submerged plants oxygenate pond water and provide shelter for fish, while floating plants offer shade and reduce algae growth. Marginal plants add visual interest.

Maintenance Requirements

Consider the amount of maintenance different plants require. Some plants may need regular pruning or dividing to prevent overgrowth, while others are low-maintenance and self-sustaining.

Seasonal Interest

Select plants that provide interest throughout the year. Look for species with attractive foliage, colorful flowers, or interesting seed heads.

Atlantis Water Gardens is one of the most trusted garden pond builders near Randolph. Our expertise enables us to transform outdoor living spaces with enchanting water features. To learn more, call 973-627-0515.