In addition to boosting the curb appeal of your property, a koi pond can help create a tranquil environment. Like all other types of water features, koi ponds get dirty over time. To keep your koi pond looking its best, clean it regularly. Periodic pond cleaning in Millburn, New Jersey, can help improve pond water quality, keeping your fish healthy and happy.

Follow these steps to clean your koi pond.

  • Using a high-flow pond pump or siphon hose, drain your koi pond down to six inches
  • Use a net to gently catch your koi and carefully move them to a container filled with the original pond water. Keep the tub in a shady spot
  • Drain the remainder of your pond and vacuum out debris. Power wash the sides and bottom of your pond to get rid of any remaining dirt
  • Clean filters, skimmers, pumps, and any lights, biofall, and lava rocks. Replace any fuse light bulbs and cut back plants
  • Refill your pond and treat it if required
  • Slowly reintroduce your fish back to their home

Maintaining Clean Pond Water

Pond cleaning is a laborious task. If your koi pond gets dirty quickly, you will spend more time cleaning it and less time enjoying it. The longer your pond remains clean, the more time you can wait to deep clean it. Follow these tips to keep your pond clean for a longer time.

Install a Skimmer

If you do not use a skimmer, now is the right time to install one in your pond. A pond skimmer can prevent debris such as leaves, pollen, and rocks from entering your pond. Clean the collection cup of your skimmer twice every week. In the absence of a skimmer, debris can make its way into your pond. Before you realize the gravity of the situation, debris can start decomposing, affecting pond water quality.

Be Mindful of Koi Population

When you have too many koi in your pond, they compete with each other for oxygen. This could lead to fish kills. Given the fact that koi produce a lot of waste, you will struggle to keep your pond clean. So how many koi can you have in your pond? A good rule of thumb is to have one koi for every 1,000 liters of water. Say if you have a 5,000 liter koi pond, do not keep more than 5 koi in it.

Do not Overfeed Your Koi.

During winter, fish metabolism decreases drastically. If you feed your fish frequently in winter, they will produce more waste, affecting pond water quality. Any uneaten fish food can cause unwanted changes in water chemistry. To prevent these problems and keep your pond healthy in winter, stop feeding your koi once water temperatures fall below 50 degrees F.

Atlantis Water Garden is a renowned water feature contractor serving Milburn, NJ. Our water feature experts have the knowledge and experience required to bring customer vision to life. To make an appointment, call 973-627-0515.





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