A backyard pond is a worthy addition to any property. A well-designed and properly installed pond can improve the aesthetic appeal of your property, transforming it into the jewel of the neighborhood. It can increase the value of your home by up to six percent.

You cannot install a pond and forget it. Like all other water features, ponds need to be cleaned periodically. Regular cleaning helps maintain water quality. It controls the growth of algae, helping maintain a healthy pond ecosystem.

Many DIY enthusiasts make pond cleaning mistakes when caring for their ponds. Pond cleaning mistakes can have massive consequences. An important pond component may stop working and you may end up with a huge repair bill.

Here are some pond cleaning mistakes you should watch out for.

Cleaning Your Pond Too Often: Clean your pond once or twice a year – once during spring and then again during fall. Cleaning more than twice a year can put undue pressure on the pond ecosystem. As a result, the population of beneficial bacteria may dwindle

Using Chlorinated Water for Cleaning: Pond filters are home to beneficial bacteria that help maintain crystal-clean water by breaking down organic sludge such as fish droppings, uneaten fish food, and dead plants and algae. They also reduce odors. Never use chlorinated water to clean your bio-filter as it can kill beneficial bacteria living in your filter. Use water from your pond, water treated with a detoxifier, or clean well water to rinse and clean your pond filter.

Power Washing the Pond Liner: Washing your pond liner at a very high pressure can tear it. The higher the pressure, the more dirt, dust and debris will be deflected back toward you. Gently pull out chunks of debris. Before using a pressure washer to remove any tiny dirt and dust particles sticking to the liner, set the wand to a low pressure or no-pressure setting.

Using a Pond Clean-Out Pump Without a Filter: A pond clean-out pump with a filter will keep debris or fish from getting sucked into it.

Leaving the Hose Unattended When Filling Your Pond: An unattended hose can cause damage to your pond’s landscaping and lawn, or worse, pond water temperature can change drastically, negatively affecting your pond’s ecosystem. Your fish may struggle to adapt to this change and may get sick, or even die.

Re-introducing the Fish Back into Your Pond Without Detoxifying the Water: If you plan to use tap water to refill your pond after cleaning, add a detoxifier to it before moving your fish back into the pond. Detoxifier removes heavy metals and other contaminants found in tap water, making it safe for fish.

Atlantis Water Gardens is a leading pond builder serving the Millburn area of New Jersey. We are committed to helping our customers keep their ponds in top shape all year round. To schedule garden pond maintenance in Millburn, call 973-627-0515.

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